Playing Rules and Regulations

Full Members of the UKDA

1.  The name of the League shall be Nottinghamshire Super-League.

2.  Membership to the League shall be by Election only.

3.  (a) The Executive and Area Committee (hereafter referred to as the Full Council) shall meet on a regular basis to receive information and discuss any matters arising. A course of action will be decided on for the Executive Members to administrate.

(b)  The Rules of Conduct of meetings shall apply. The Chairperson, or in their absence the Vice Chairperson, shall have an agenda for each meeting so that all members present are able to receive any relevant information and are able to discuss in an orderly fashion any matters that arise during that meeting. All meetings shall have minutes recorded for future reference.

The minutes from these meetings shall be made available to all NDO members via email and/or the NDO website. There will be no penalty for non-attendance.

(c)  Each Team that is present will have 1 vote only at Full Council Meetings.

4.  (a) Each Team will at the beginning of each season, pay to the League the sum of £50 (men) in respect of Bond Money for that season. (Ladies currently play a singles league and are exempt) The Bond Money can be returned to each team, by request, at the end of the season provided that the team has fulfilled ALL of their fixtures before the end of the season.

(b) All Teams and Executive Officers to supply contact details and venue addresses to the Executive Committee at the start of the season. Any changes to individual member details or Team details shall notify the Executive Committee at the earliest opportunity: i.e. change of address/venue etc.

5.  (a) Any fines imposed on any team by the executive Committee will be taken out of that teams Bond Money. The difference in the Bond Money must be made up by the next meeting.

(b) In the event of any team accruing fines which exceed their bond money then their account must be brought up to date on or before the next meeting otherwise they will be expelled.

(c)  Team Registration shall be £100 per team for the season. Team registration fees to be paid by the end of February each year

(d)  Individual Member Registration fees shall be £20 per player. This fee covers members for membership of the Nottinghamshire Darts Organisation. In addition a match tax of £3 per competing player per match will be charged. Note: All the match tax will go toward the prize fund.

Special Note: Any team failing to field the full 7 players will be liable to pay the match tax for both the missing player AND of the of the opponent Entry to the UKDA National Singles and Pairs qualifiers plus the qualifiers for the teams Champions Cup will be at no charge
6.  (a) Fixtures to be played as far as possible as laid out by Fixtures Secretary – however with the agreement of both captains and an acceptable reason, the league fixture may be changed to a date no more than 14 days prior or 7 days later. All league matches must be completed by the scheduled season end.

(b)  Each team must fulfil every fixture including KO Cup.

(c)  A Super-League Team should consist of a minimum of 7 players for the Men and (when competing as a team league) 5 players for the Women. This will include the KO Cup rounds.

(d) KO Cup matches to be played as shown on the fixture list. The format to be as per Men’s/Ladies super league as appropriate. The KO cup draw and order of play to be made on a round by round basis, with rule 14 (b) to apply to each round. Preliminary matches constitute a round.

(e)  Any Team that turns up for a Super-League match without the minimum number of players will be dealt with by the Executive Committee. (This may result in a monetary fine per person short) Repeated offences may lead to the team being expelled and forfeit their Bond Money and any points accrued.

(f)  Any player that is registered to a team that is expelled from the league may appeal to the Executive Committee for admission into another team.

(g)  Super league teams within NDO may field no more than 1 County player who represents a NL team other than Nottinghamshire

7.  Anyone who plays in Notts Super league qualifying competitions has to have attended at least 50% of super league games before earning the right to represent Nottinghamshire at internal, regional or national level. All attendees at S/L matches to be noted and sent through with the match sheet by the home captain.

8.  Any Team that is expelled from the League WILL lose their Bond Money and forfeit any points accrued.

9.  (a) All matches to be played in a private room, bar or taproom. Provided, as far is practicable, that reasonable order can be maintained for the duration of the match.

(b)  Start time to be flexible to accommodate teams who have to travel to remote venues but latest start time 7.30pm

10.  A payout for the highest overall average on a super league weekend (Men and Ladies) will be paid out from NDO funds in the sum of £20 each (joint highest averages will be shared proportionately)

11.  (a) Mens Super league teams shall consist of 7 players, where their matches will contribute to the league points as well as averages recorded for consideration of selection for the NL (County). Where applicable additional players attending can play for their average only, which will be recorded for consideration of selection for the NL (County). A maximum of 9 “games” per match permitted.

(b)  A Team may register a player at match fixture provided that the registration form is counter signed by the opposing Captain before the match starts. (Rule 11(c) to apply).

(c)  Closing date for new players to register for the League on the night will be 5 Matches before the end of the season. After this date the 7 Day rule for registration will apply.

(d)  To comply with the 7 Day Rule a new player’s registration form must be received by the General Secretary 7 days before the intended next match in which they are to play. (Rule 12 to apply).

(e)  Players may register for more than one team BUT the first team that they play for will be considered the team that they MUST remain with for the rest of the season. If a player registers for more than one team then all registration fees must be paid.

(f)  There will be NO transfers during the season except where exceptional circumstances apply and these will be decided on by the Executive Committee.

12.  Any Team that plays an unregistered player will be fined £10 and also forfeit the point for that set. No Bonus points will be awarded to any team winning a match by playing an unregistered player.

13.  (a) Games shall be the best of 7 legs for Men’s and best of 5 legs for Ladies matches. 501 up, straight start, finish on a double, bust rule to apply i.e. if a player scores more than the required amount then the score shall not count and the player shall revert back to the score they required prior to their opponents last throw.

(b)  The Dartboard shall 5’ 8” (173cm) from the floor to centre of the Bull; the Oche shall be 7’ 9.25” (237cm) along the floor from the face of the Board to the rear of the Oche which will be 1.5” (40mm) high and a minimum of 24” (600mm) in length. The Diagonal distance from the centre of the bull to the back of the throwing line is 9’ 7.5’’ (293.4cm).

(c)  During the match no player shall tread on the Oche, nor shall the player deliver any dart with his/her feet in any other position than behind the toe edge of the raised Oche, or an imaginary straight line extending on either side of the Oche.

(d)  The caller in the presence of the players Captain or Team Manager shall first warn any player in breach of this rule. Any dart subsequently delivered in breach of this rule shall be a no score and will be declared invalid by the match referee or caller.

(e)  At all Super League matches the score recorder shall be deemed to be the match referee.

14.  (a) Competing teams shall play Home and Away matches where possible. There will be 7 players for Men. Ladies currently compete in a single league. All matches carry points towards league table. Prior to the start of each season the fixtures will be set depending upon the number of competing teams. This may mean that teams play each other only once during the league season.

(b)  All players must be present at the start of the draw and must countersign the match sheet before play commences.

(c)  If a team does not have sufficient players to complete a match then the team that has a full side shall be able to choose his or her side to match the number of players present in the opposing side. The team with insufficient players should put all players back into re-draw who shall play the final games as SUBS to enable all players to attain their averages. The word SUB to be entered on the sheet in the blank player’s name(s). In the event of the player marked SUB winning the set, the legs (4) and the point, shall be awarded to the team with the players name entered. (Bonus point only to be awarded to the named player if they play for their average, regardless of them winning or losing against the SUB player the game) Where a player plays twice (once as SUB) only the valid match to count. The average of the player against the SUB will be counted.

(d)  Home Teams are to supply markers, callers and checkers. Where circumstances occur that this could be a problem then the two Team Captains will decide on the best procedure for the match.

15.  (a) Each Home Team secretary shall forward to the Fixtures Secretary and the Men’s/Ladies County captains the result sheet, complete with scores, tons, signatures, sets and legs.

(b)  Registered players who were in attendance but did not play shall be named on the bottom of the sheet. The sheet shall be signed by both Team Captains/secretary.

(c)  The sheet shall be sent in by the Wednesday following the match. Failure to return the result sheet by the due date shall incur a fine of £5.

16.  All complaints or grievances must be made in writing to the Chairman of the Nottinghamshire Darts Organisation. Such letters must be received by the Chairman within 14 days of the incident taking place. £5 must also be received by the Chairman to accompany any such complaint or grievance, this money will be returned in the event of the complaint or grievance being upheld, unless the Committee find and consider it be frivolous.

17.  All members/teams shall behave in a manner stipulated according to the Code of Conduct (See Appendix 1) of the Nottinghamshire Darts Organisation. All members/teams shall also adhere to the Complaints and Grievance Procedure. (See Appendix 2). Any player contravening this rule will be asked to attend the next monthly meeting to account for his/her behaviour. If the episode is proven then the Full Council will decide on a suitable course of action in accordance with the Complaints and Grievance Procedure.

18.  County teams to be selected by a selection committee comprising Team Manager, Men’s Captain, Ladies Captain

19.  Contributions towards expenses will be considered by the County for players/teams qualifying for event finals. (Area and Regional). The amount of expenses shall be voted on by the Executive Committee following qualification.

20.  (a) All Members must return to the N.D.O. all properties and rights that belong to the League when they cease to hold their position. This will include all equipment and paperwork also all passwords and codes associated with the web site.

(b)  The Nottinghamshire Darts web-site is the property of the County and any changes to the site can only be done if authorised by the Executive Committee. All Passwords must be held by 2 Executive Officers and these passwords must be changed on the election of new Officers at the AGM.

21.  The Executive Committee shall decide on any matter not covered by these rules. If such a decision means that there is a change to an existing Rule, or that a new Rule will have to be introduced, then this will have to be voted on at an EGM or at the next AGM.

22.  At competitions, the losing player must mark the next game (or get someone to do it for them). A log will be taken at competitions and offending players will be suspended from all Nottinghamshire Darts Organisation future events for the remainder of the season. This will include Super League games.

Any circumstances that are not covered by these Rules and Regulations then UKDA rules and regulations are to apply.